Konfigurasi VRP OS Huawei (Switch CE, Dll)

Banyak OS Networking yang tersedia dari beberapa vendor seperti Smartfabric OS9/10 dari Dell, RouterOS dari MikroTik, IOS dari Cisco, dll.
Kali ini kita akan mencoba melakukan konfigurasi VRP OS dari Huawei, saya menggunakan simulator PNETLAB yang menjalan Huawei CE6800 sebagai bahan pembelajaran kali ini.
Didalam VRP OS Huawei terdapat 3 mode/view:

1. User View yang ditandai dengan flag <HUAWEI>
2. System View yang ditandai dengan flag [HUAWEI]
3. Interface View [HUAWEI-GigabitEthernetX/Y/Z]

Konfigurasi Dasar

Sebelum melakukan konfigurasi pastikan kita sudah masuk kedalam System View dengan mengetikkan perintah system-view

Mengubah Hostname

sysname nama

Contoh konfigurasi VLAN Access dan Trunk



[admin@Mikrotik1] > interface/vlan/add vlan-id=10 name=vlan10 interface=ether1
[admin@Mikrotik1] > ip address/add address= interface=vlan10


[admin@MikroTik] > system/identity/set name=Mikrotik2
[admin@Mikrotik2] > ip address/add address= interface=ether1


Enter system view, return user view with return command.

[~HUAWEI]vlan batch 10
[*HUAWEI]vlan 10

[*HUAWEI-vlan10]description VLAN-TEST

[*HUAWEI]interface GE 1/0/1

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/1]description TO-MIKROTIK-1

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/1]port link-type trunk 

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/1]port trunk allow-pass vlan 10

[~HUAWEI]interface GE 1/0/0

[~HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]description TO-SW2

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]port link-type trunk 

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]port trunk allow-pass vlan 10


Enter system view, return user view with return command.
[~HUAWEI]vlan batch 10
[*HUAWEI]vlan 10

[*HUAWEI-vlan10]description VLAN-TEST

[*HUAWEI]interface GE 1/0/0

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]description TO-SW1

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]port link-type trunk 

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]port trunk allow-pass vlan 10

[~HUAWEI]interface GE 1/0/1

[~HUAWEI-GE1/0/1]port link-type access 

[~HUAWEI-GE1/0/1]port default vlan 10

Hasil Akhir

Tes ping dari Mikrotik1

Tes ping dari Mikrotik2

Contoh konfigurasi VLAN Management


SW CE6800

Enter system view, return user view with return command.

[~HUAWEI]vlan batch 99

[*HUAWEI]vlan 99

[*HUAWEI-vlan99]description VLAN-MGMT

[*HUAWEI]interface Vlanif 99

[*HUAWEI-Vlanif99]ip address 24

[*HUAWEI]interface GE 1/0/0

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]port link-type trunk 

[*HUAWEI-GE1/0/0]port trunk allow-pass vlan 99

[~HUAWEI]ip route-static 0


[admin@MikroTik] > interface/vlan/add vlan-id=99 name=vlan99-MTGMT interface=ether1
[admin@MikroTik] > ip address/add address= interface=vlan99-MTGMT
[admin@MikroTik] > ip address/add address= interface=ether2


Hasil Akhir

Tes ping ke dari Windows/PC ke Mikrotik

Tes ping dari Windows/PC ke Switch

Mengaktifkan SSH Server Untuk Melakukan Remote

[~HUAWEI-aaa]undo local-user policy security-enhance 
Warning: The current operation may reduce the degree of account security. It is strongly recommended to keep this enabled.
[~HUAWEI-aaa]local-user namauser password irreversible-cipher PasswordAman
Info: A new user is added.
[*HUAWEI-aaa]local-user namauser service-type ssh      
[*HUAWEI-aaa]local-user namauser level 3
[*HUAWEI-aaa]local-user namauser user-group manage-ug 
[~HUAWEI]user-interface vty 0 4
[~HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa
Warning: The level of the user-interface(s) will be the default level of AAA users, please check whether it is correct. After the authentication mod.
[*HUAWEI-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound ssh 
[~HUAWEI]ssh authorization-type default aaa
[~HUAWEI]snetconf server enable 
Info: Succeeded in starting the SNETCONF server on SSH port 22.
[~HUAWEI]rsa local-key-pair create 
The key name will be:HUAWEI_Host
% RSA keys defined for HUAWEI_Host already exist.
Confirm to replace them? Please select [Y/N]:y
The range of public key size is (2048 ~ 2048).
NOTE: Key pair generation will take a short while.

[~HUAWEI]stelnet server enable 
Info: Succeeded in starting the STelnet server.
[~HUAWEI]ssh server-source all-interface

Di beberapa kasus yang saya alami ketika mengkonfigurasi huawei CE6851-48S6Q-HI dengan software version V100R006C00SPC600 saya harus menambahkan konfigurasi berikut.
[~HUAWEI] ssh user namauser
[*HUAWEI] ssh user namauser authentication-type password
[*HUAWEI] ssh user namauser service-type all
[*HUAWEI] ssh authorization-type default aaa
[*HUAWEI] commit
[~HUAWEI] stelnet server enable
[*HUAWEI] snetconf server enbale
[*HUAWEI] commit

Reset Configuration (Factory Reset)

Untuk melakukan reset konfigurasi ketikkan perintah berikut.

<HUAWEI> reset saved-configuration
Warning: The action will delete the saved configuration in the device.
The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Warning: Now clearing the configuration in the device.
Info: Succeeded in clearing the configuration in the device.
<HUAWEI> reboot
Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait.
Warning: The configuration has been modified, and it will be saved to the next startup saved-configuration file flash:/vrpcfg.zip. Continue? [Y/N]:n    //Select "N" here.
Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then execute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'.
System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:y


Reset Configuration (Factory Reset)
